Our highly interactive role-play workshops bring local history to life and object-handling sessions give children a first-hand opportunity to learn about the past by examining genuine historic artefacts.
A visit can support teaching across many curriculum areas. The Museum is particularly relevant to the study of local history and the development of historical enquiry skills, as well as supporting design and technology, geography, English and citizenship.
In preparation for the revitalisation of the museum, we are only taking school bookings up until the end of the Autumn term 2023, you can find the list of available workshops on this page.
For more information and workshop prices please email: [email protected].

Key stage 1
Then and Now: Toys & Games
In this workshop children will consider what makes a toy exciting and fun to play with. Through examination of handling objects, they will look at the differences between toys from 1880s and the types of toys they play with now. The session includes a Museum tour.
Then and Now: Homelife
Children explore historic domestic objects from flat irons to candle snuffers and find out what cooking, cleaning, lighting, servant life and never-ending chores were like for people at the time. The session includes a Museum tour.
Key stage 2/3
How Walthamstow Has Changed
Children explore the different uses of the Museum from Workhouse to Police Station and investigate how Walthamstow has changed using historic maps and original photographs. The session includes a Museum tour.
A Gruesome Tale
Children gain an insight into a notorious local murder from the 1700’s. They will investigate how different crimes were dealt with in the past and how it compares with today. The session uses imaginative and informative games and drama activities. They will spend time exploring a local historical case and gain an insight into prison life in Vestry’s unique prison cell. The session includes a Museum tour.
Victorian School Experience
Children meet strict Victorian school mistress, Miss Stern, and find out what school was like for Victorian pupils through classroom role play, costume and object handling. Compare and contrast Walthamstow’s Victorian schools with what they are like today using our archive photos. The session ends with a Museum tour.
Key stage 4
**NEW WORKSHOP** Crime and Punishment
This session has been developed to support the History Edexcel GCSE Syllabus. Students investigate Crime and Punishment in the 18th century using venue specific experience, object handling and an authentic local case study created with resources from the Waltham Forest Archive and Local Studies Library. They will have the chance to develop key knowledge and skills in line with the GCSE National Curriculum. The workshop was devised by experienced History teacher, Samantha Roddam
Workshop timings
Morning Session 10.00 – 12.00
Afternoon Session 13.00 – 15.00
£150 state-maintained schools / £180 independent schools (+VAT where applicable).
*We have a limited number of free sessions for schools with above 30% Free School Meals. Please contact us if your school is eligible and we will advise on availability.
Workshops are available to book on Tuesdays and Thursdays, subject to availability.
Guided tours
On Wednesdays we offer 60-minute guided tours with an in-house expert, this includes a 30-minute guided tour and a sketching session in the exhibition spaces.
£75 per session state-maintained schools / £90 per session independent schools (+VAT where applicable). Includes drawing paper, use of clipboards and pencils. If you wish to use a lunchroom for 30 minutes, there is a £30 charge.
Self-led sessions
On Wednesdays we also offer 60-minute self-led sessions. These are free sessions and must be booked in advance. If you wish to use the lunchroom for 30-minutes, there is a £30 charge.
Loan boxes
Object based learning to bring the past to life
Borrow historic artefacts for a 3-week slot and have it delivered by Eco-Friendly Zed Couriers, to your school and collected again at the end of the loan period. Each box includes background information, images and strategies to engage your students
A full inventory of objects is signed out by museum staff on dispatch and teachers must check this on opening and notify the museum immediately of any discrepancies. Charges will be made for any losses or breakages. The service is available during term time only and costs £50 for schools and community groups in Waltham Forest.
For bookings of loan boxes, full details of loan box contents and terms and conditions, please email [email protected]
Our loan box themes include:
Toys and Games
Victorian Domestic Life
WW2: Homefront
Washday in the 1930s
The Transatlantic Slave Trade